Voting rights shall be granted up to two votes per Drive-In Theatre as follows:
- Owners of permanently constructed commercial drive-in motion picture theatres,
- Lessee Operators of permanently constructed drive-in motion picture theatres, and
- General Managers of permanently constructed drive-in motion picture theatres owned or leased by others.
Your Drive-In theatre must have at least one full voting individual or a full voting joint membership.
Members may vote based on the following criteria defined at time of Application:
- Full Voting Individual: A single person meeting the criteria listed above as Owner, Lessee Operator or General Manager and has a single vote.
- Full Voting Joint: Two spouses who jointly own and operate a qualifying theatre or theatres as one (1) Full Voting Member and share a single vote. The definition of "Spouse" includes Registered Domestic Partner, Civil Union Partner, or party to a domestic partnership between two adults, as recognized by applicable state law.
- Individual Associate: This is a non-voting membership type. Managers applying shall be required to have a signature of approval from the Theatre Owner, Lessee, or General Manager; who must be a Full Voting Member in good standing, affixed upon their Application for Membership.
- Corporate Associate: This is a non-voting membership type for vendors selling products/services to the Drive-In Theatre Industry.
- Individual Associate Retired: This is a non-voting membership type reserved for individuals who have been active in UDITOA as a theatre Owner, Lessee, General Manager or Manager but have retired from active management of their drive-in theatre(s). This Voting Type can only be assigned by Administrators.
- Other: This is a non-voting membership type for special circumstances such as honorary members. This Voting Type can only be assigned by Administrators.