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Are you a prospective Drive-In Owner?  

Read this document to get started.   Drive-In Ownership 101.pdf

Two assignments are described in this informational document.  Email the results of your assignment to Info@UDITOA.org along with your contact information.

What are the benefits to UDITOA membership?

Theatre Owner/Lessee/General Managers & Associate members enjoy many benefits!  

  1. UDITOA members will receive an enhanced listing on www.driveinsnearme.com of additional features including profile photos, photo slideshows, website link, and business information and descriptions
  2. EXCLUSIVE trailers and PSAs focused on Drive-In venues
  3. Access to the online portal to communicate with other drive-in owners and vendors
  4. Access to special discounts from vendors who are invested in our industry
  5. Bi-monthly newsletter with features on industry news and best practice tips
  6. Weekly conference calls to discuss current topics affecting the industry
  7. Inclusion in the private Facebook Group of UDITOA members
  8. Inclusion in the Membership Directory
  9. Access to the Annual Convention with many educational opportunities and studio connections
  10. Access to the Annual "Fall Gathering" for continued networking and fellowship opportunities
  11. Make life-long friends at the Annual events!
  12. Certificate, box office decal & on-screen DCPs created for member drive-ins
  13. Access to the members-only discussion board where topics can be discussed 24x7 on the private/secure association portal

  14. Benefit from press generated by UDITOA for the organization and its members through many notable media outlets such as the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, WBZ-radio, Reuter's, theatre trade publications, American Movie Classics TV network, the Canadian Broadcast Corporation, the Associated Press radio network, the Associated Press newspapers, The Washington Post, National Geographic TV network, Gannett newspapers, Knight-Ridder newspapers, Central NY Business Journal, and numerous regional newspapers. 

Corporate Associate Members (vendors) enjoy these benefits:

  1. Access to present to the membership at weekly conference calls
  2. Inclusion in Vendor Directory
  3. Access to communicate via the portal, email, or snail mail with Drive-In Owners/Operators!
  4. Access to the Annual Convention and trade show.  You will speak face-to-face with the owners/operators of drive-ins who make the purchasing decisions!
  5. UDITOA members are encouraged to patronize Vendor Members before non-vendors

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