Do you enjoy and appreciate drive-in movie theatres? Do you want to support drive-in theatres to ensure their survival in the 21st century? DRIVE-IN FANS engage with OWNERS! |
Benefits of DRIVE-IN FANS: 1. Online private forum for discussing anything and everything "drive-in" related among fans and Drive-In Owners/Operators! This is available 24x7 for your convenience and enjoyment! Ask burning questions and share your experiences to better the industry! 2. Join a Facebook Group for Fans and Drive-In Owners/Operators to share your social media interactions at drive-ins across the country! Interview drive-in customers and share your content. It might be shared to drive-in social media and "go viral"! 3. Be the first to learn about upcoming drive-in events. 4. Access to exclusive Fan Club merchandise! 5. Access to online drive-in theatre directory maintained by UDITOA. 6. Find drive-in theatres for sale by UDITOA members! 7. Invitation only access to private FAN CLUB events! |